After 7 cycles of chemotherapy, a complex operation, and 25 radiation therapy procedures...

After 7 cycles of chemotherapy, a complex operation, and 25 radiation therapy procedures...

Nadezhda Bulatova. Diagnosed with locally spread breast cancer. She was diagnosed in Russia. She turned to us at the Memorial Antalya clinic. She received all the treatment from us - chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, and is still receiving a targeted drug and is monitored by us every month.

The joy of meeting and the joy of good news based on the results of my tests overwhelmed us!

In my heart - immense gratitude to the doctors, nurses, nurses, the staff of the Memorial Antalya clinic, who have done and are doing everything possible for me to live.

A year ago, on June 14, 2022, I arrived at the clinic for treatment.
Was grade 4 with metastases.

By some miracle, having written to the assistant-translator Aida @aida_kaynova_emsen on WhatsApp, sending her my tests, within an hour I received confirmation from the clinic that they were ready to accept me for treatment. My husband and I were sent an invitation from the clinic, and three days later I was already at the reception of the Miracle Professor Mustafa Ozdogan @prof.dr.mustafaozdogan .
I did not know then that it was not so easy to get an appointment with him. I never doubted his professionalism. Obediently followed all his recommendations.

The treatment lasted 9 months. At every appointment with the Professor, his assistants helped me - @mevtiesved and Aida, patiently explaining everything in Russian, supporting me, finding the right words in difficult situations. And it’s not so easy when the patient is in fear, in despair, in the unknown ... Even if outwardly I smiled, controlled myself, they felt what I was experiencing inside ... I understood this because they reassured me ... These people are like angels or the Saints…

After 7 courses of chemotherapy, a complex operation, 25 radiotherapy procedures, in early March 2022, I returned home from treatment. And once every three months I fly to the clinic to check my condition.

Now the second control check is over. With the good news about the results of the tests, with the recommendations and medicines received to continue treatment at home, I returned home, .. with gratitude in my heart to these people - my saviors. #people_angels