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Professor Mustafa Ozdogan

Clinical Oncologist Dr. Mustafa Ozdogan is the Head of Cancer Center Antalya Memorial Medical Group: "The biggest deficit in the field of oncology is the lack of simple information available to the entire population. I think that with the help of our site, we were able to eliminate this deficit.""

I, Professor Mustafa Ozdogan MD is a cancer treatment specialist, head of the oncology department at Memorial Antalya Hospital in Turkey, author of over 40 articles on oncology and hematology, a member of the European Association of Medical Oncology, the Turkish Association of Medical Oncology, the Antalya Association of Breast Cancer and the American Association of Clinical Oncology.

Dr. Mustafa Ozdogan was born in 1968 in Nigde, Turkey, and is one of the country's most experienced and well known oncologists. Currently, he works in the largest network of clinics, Memorial, in Turkey. He has nearly 20 years of experience and his main areas of specialization include: cancer prevention, nutrition during cancer treatment, high-dose chemotherapy, alternative methods of fighting cancer, intra-arterial chemotherapy, gene editing technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9, innovative and advanced cancer treatments, minimally invasive (non-surgical) cancer treatments, and immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors and cellular therapy.


  • Since 2013 - Head of the Medical Oncology Department at Memorial Hospital in Antalya.
  • Since 2012 - Head of the Medical Oncology Department at Medstar Hospital in Antalya.
  • 2003-2012 - Oncologist at the Akdeniz University.


  • 2011 - Professor.
  • 2006 — Associate Professor.
  • 2003 — Medical Faculty of Akdeniz University (specialization in medical oncology).
  • 2000 — Medical Faculty of Akdeniz University (specialization in internal medicine).
  • 1993 — Medical Faculty of Erciyes University (degree in general medicine).

Membership in Associations

  • European Association of Medical Oncology.
  • Turkish Association of Medical Oncology.
  • Antalya Association of Breast Cancer.
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology.

As of today, over 112 articles have been published in international and national peer-reviewed journals, and a total of 17 studies, two of which question the relationship between patients and doctors in oncology, have been awarded. A member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the American Society of Oncology (ASCO). From 2009 to 2011, he was a member of the board of the Turkish Oncology Association. Currently, he continues to work as a member of the same association.

  • Innovative and advanced cancer treatment methods,
  • Immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors and cell therapy,
  • Gene editing and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies,
  • Doctor-patient relationships in oncology,
  • Minimally invasive (non-surgical) cancer treatment methods,
  • Mentorship in oncology,
  • Cancer prevention and healthy lifestyle,
  • Complementary medicine and alternative cancer treatments,
  • High-dose chemotherapy,
  • Intra-arterial chemotherapy,
  • Nutrition in oncology is of particular interest.

By introducing the concept of art-house into chemotherapy departments in Turkey, he has made a significant contribution to the development of this definition and to the expansion of quality of life-oriented treatment methods.